Average Hang Weight is between 800-950lbs. We charge $8lb based on hang weight. The yield average is around 60%. In a standard quarter cow cut you will receive 2 Chuck roast, 2 Arm Roast, 150lb + Ground beef, 2 Dino Ribs, 4 Denver Steaks, Flat Iron Steak, 12 Ribeye Steaks, 2 Plate Ribs, 6 Sirloin Steaks, 8 Filet, 10 NY Strip, 2 Top Round Roast, 2 Bottom Round Roast, 2 Eye Round Roast, Sirloin Tip Roast, 2 Flank Steak, 2 Skirt Steak and 2 Brisket (1/4). In the custom cuts you can also choose to receive organs, bones and fat. Your deposit secures your butcher date.